The collapse of the Somali government has greatly affected the life of the previously marginalized women population of the country. Hundreds of women have lost either their lives or that of their loved ones, many were raped. While several have become either physically disabled or mentally disregarded.

The only fortunate women population has either fled to seek asylum at

neighboring countries or have become internally displaced to the relatively peaceful area that they ethnically belong to.

Many of those that have been displaced to their areas have played a heroic role in the welfare of their communities, by helping the relatively poor

groups of their respective war-affected societies. Many either worked through the provision of food aid or as social workers.

The roles women play in the provision of family care and in social

development have increased since the collapse of the tyrannical Military regime of Siyad Bare.

In the beginning, their recently developed new roles in society became a burden to them as other than being professional housemaids, the

women groups of the Somali societies were not previously prepared for such tasks and had been marginalized from all aspects of education and skills.

The involvement of the international community in Somalia has

encouraged many women groups and individuals to unify their efforts and resources. By doing this many voluntary women's organizations have been formed since then.

The formation of these humanitarian NGOs was particularly encouraged by the international relief and development action that needed organized community-based local entities that could facilitate the relief and

rehabilitation programs to relatively inaccessible areas.

Although majority of NGOs that had proliferated in the beginning collapsed as they were one-person NGOs and very few had professional human resources with shared goals or had financial resources to sustain themselves.

Daryeel Voluntary Women Development Organization is among the first NGOs that were established in Lasanood town for the facilitation of the

social welfare of their communities. It was primarily a group of women who had individually been involved in the relief activities of their area

that established the organization. The main purpose of establishing this woman's NGO was to empower the war-affected Somali women and their

communities so that they can sustain themselves.


Health Section:

Social mobilization for harmful practice

1-Sanitation and Hygiene

2-Environmental awareness sad, cull, trees, soil,

3-Mother and Child health care

4-Maternal health care

5-HIV/AIDS prevention

Projects in 2023